Unless you are new to a state where it snows, there are simple things that you should follow.
1. Do not go 30 miles per hour in a 65. Especially if there is no snow on the ground. Yes, you are correct that there might be some black ice, but the likelihood that you will find that patch and careen your car off the road is small. Be engaged in what you are doing and no one will get hurt.
Also, you might cause more accidents going that slow than going at a reasonable speed.
2. Parking. If it has just snowed and you are out and about and need to park, following this.... try to get what is a reasonable space between you and the next car. Don't be the jackhole that takes up two perfectly good parking spots and make it so the others have to circle around until there is an open space. I don't care how sporty and new your damn car is. Most likely if you live in a state with snow, there are about 2 good months to use a car like that. Use your head and buy a car that is good for the weather, not necessarily looks.
3. Night time driving. Put on your head lights. If you live in a snow state, wash the head light covers when you fill up on your gas. If you have your lights off I cant see you.
Plain and simple folks. Live smarter, not harder.